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About Us

LifeQuest is a private, nonprofit, community agency that provides services and support to people with developmental disabilities. The LifeQuest Foundation assists with funding for our annual needs, LifeQuest must replenish outdated equipment and supplies, reinvest in our facilities and update depreciated vehicles. These are critical components in providing the BEST service to people with developmental disabilities. The LifeQuest Foundation welcomes annual gifts from individuals, corporations or organizations.


  • Community Agency
  • Provides services and support to people with developmental disabilities.


LifeQuest's entry in DWU Homecoming parade
LifeQuest employees and the people that they support enjoy a day of fishing!


Employment Specialist
Category: Non-Profit and Social Services
Full Time Employment Specialist - Help people achieve their employment goals by developing marketable employment skills, provide job coaching, and on-the-job training.  Build cooperative relationships with area DRS counselors, job service, local and area schools, and other organizations to facilitate employment partnerships.  Assist with the marketing plan to promote Career Connections services more
Contact: Kate Miller
Phone:(605) 996-2032
Fax:(605) 996-0972

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