What is the new Overtime Rule and how will it apply to your business? Effective December 1, 2016, many employees who have been classified as exempt will now qualify for overtime pay. Come hear from RJ Rylance, Attorney with Morgan Theeler whose expertise includes a focus on employment law, to find out how this new rule could affect your business and the options you may have moving forward.
You can find the final rule and some explanation on the DOL website to see what questions you may have.
Please register for this event online or by calling 996-5567 or emailing rebecca@mitchellchamber.com to ensure adequate seating.
Date and Time
Tuesday Sep 13, 2016
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
Tuesday, September 13, 9-10am
Mitchell Technical Institute, Nordby Trades Center Lecture Hall
Free to attend, pre-registration is requested by registering online, emailing rebecca@mitchellchamber.com or calling 996-5567.