Park Hopping with the Kingsbury Family

Visiting Mitchell’s 14 city parks and 29 lakeside parks is a favorite activity for the Kingsbury family. They call it “park hopping” because they are likely to enjoy multiple parks in a single day.
Rajeana and her four children, twins Serena and Michael, age 7; Angelina, age 12; and Catreana, age 16; make up a family who love their Mitchell life. Catrina says, “I like Mitchell because it is a small town that I feel safe in.” “Mitchell has lots of fun things to do and friendly people to meet.” Serena added, “I like our home and the swimming pool.” Michael says, “He loves everything about living in Mitchell.”
Rajeana, a single mom, ruminates, “Our story does not feel as happy as those other family stories.” “We have had to find our way.” Rajeana shares that her ex-husband left her when she was pregnant with her twins. She stoically stated, “He chose drugs and fun instead of a family and love.”
With the challenge of raising four young children on her own, Rajeana has done all she can to give her children what she calls “a normalish life.” “I thank God and the best community ever for helping us through,” she appreciatively remarks.
So many organizations and individuals had helped support the Kingsbury family when they needed it most. Rajeana thanks Love Feast for serving her family a meal when she just needed a break from cooking and cleaning. When she needed a daycare to watch her infants and children, Jessica Rasmussen’s Little Person’s Place came to the rescue. Rajeana is also thankful for First Lutheran Day Care for educating her children and leading her to the church she attends today with her family.
In the middle of her husband’s departure, she has been blessed at Christmas and at other times by Longfellow Elementary School and the Salvation Army. She says that mystery boxes and dinners left on their doorstep left her with tears streaming every time. Her work family at Toshiba has been generous, gifting her family turkey dinner, baby pool, blankets, bibs, clothes, food, and Walmart cash cards.
Rajeana praises the goodness of working for Toshiba. She appreciates “the voice” she has and the opportunities she has had to advance in her career. She started as a Process Systems Operator 15 years ago, then went on to Packaging Operator and most recently moved into an HR Admin and Account Support position. Rajeana remarks, “I am absolutely giddy to help bring new employees to Toshiba.” Toshiba has been the perfect workplace for her.
Rajeana wants everyone to know that Mitchell has so much to offer growing families, and it doesn’t matter your path. “We are on the other side of the hard part.” We are a close family and love to spend time with each other.” Mitchell has been good to the Kingsbury family.